Well actually… in Calistoga is a Castle that happens to be a Winery. The transformation from a Napa Winery to a mid -evil Castle in Tuscany is actually more interesting than the Wine that they produce. Is this a dig? not really because the Transformation is fantastic. Very detailed, and Historically correct. 121,000 Square Feet, a mote, a draw bridge, a room full of armor, the entire building is a Castle that was reconstucted from stones that were flown over from Italy, and re built brick by brick stone by stone to be accurate replica of the real thing, they did a wonderful job! In the same vain they offer,
Tours, Tasting, Pairings,Classes, and Special Events that include a mid- summer mid- evil celebration and a very scary Holloween, this winery is worth going because it’s fun to drop in on a different century, and experience wine tasting and Napa County transforemed into Midieval Tuscany.. a lovely escape!