Tosca Closed it’s doors today.. Last night was the final goodbye.. It will re- open with new owners..Jeannette Etheridge the owner is happy she will be able to do a lot more now and she won’t have to stay up until 4:00am.. working, .but We were all sad last night..the bar was beyond has been packed every night since Thursday night …Jeannette is the fantastic owner of Tosca … who’s own personal history is like an international thriller!

Jeanette herself is like a wonderful character in a movie, she is a loyal person, very funny,  honest and has little to no filter she will say anything that comes to her mind and she apologizes to no one, at the same time no one is spared.. she is a deep and loving soul with an opinion about everyone and everything.. Jeannette is one of our families favorite people… like a fixture at Tosca she is a fantastic human being one of a kind..

Jeannett and Tosca have been hand in hand for a very long time, and before that Armen, Jeannette mother had a restaurant like Tosca it was center staged, Tosca has an enormous list of regulars it is where one begins and ends their  evening if not every evening at least three days a week…Toca is that dependable place …

In addition Tosca has amazing history! it is 91 years old and has not been renovated only a very little.. it is a beautiful bar because of its age, tradition and love that we collectively  feel about our Iconic friend TOSCA!!!

Thank you Tosca for giving all of San Francisco so many magical life filled years!

Tosca is as much a part of San Francisco as the Golden Gate Bridge.. if you re- painted the Golden Gate silver would it still be the Golden Gate?…

No… …not really…that is why all of San Francisco came by three nights in a row to bid Tosca Goodbye…

until we meet again Tosca…xoTOSCA