Getting a Tattoo is not something one normally does on vacation,
UNLESS, …… your vacation happens to be in San Francisco……..
San Francisco Bay Area is well known for its fantastic collection of amazing,talented Tattoo Artist. The Truth be told I knew nothing, nothing, nothing, about getting a Tattoo, wanting a Tattoo or anything about the entire world of Tattoo’s nor do I know any more now but I have been researching quiet a bit because I am getting two TATTOO”s!!!!!!!!!! tomorrow gulp!
So this is “getting a tattoo 101.. Welcome!
Tattoo’s have been around in many many many cultures for a billion years. Punk Rock and Motorcycle communities enjoyed the outside society image that the Tattoo represents and now getting a Tattoo is socially acceptable especially in San Francisco!
San Francisco is the king when it comes to Tattoo’s and looking for an excellent Tattoo artist feels as important as looking for your next new home.
The artist should be someone who’s work you LOVE because the work is staying on you for the rest of your life!
But if you approach it that way you will never get one!!
What I did was I looked at the artist work over and over again.
I looked at websites with people who have Tattoos that I like
Then I looked at Tumbler for photos of small elegant Tattoos and I looked at placement… which is very important..
Then I visited several Tattoo shops right here in the City.
Then I made two different consultation appointments
Warning …Be careful a “consultation” means you are choosing that artist!!
It does not mean just look to see IF you like him or her the consultation is all about the art, and the placement and what you want your artist to design. In other words …
It’s not a stick your toe in the water….. it’s a plunge all in all at once!
After I met my really creative and really NICE Tattoo Artist Then I asked 100 questions and asked to be walked through the entire process. We talked about what I wanted and I gave him a deposit.
On my second appointment I saw the art work and he placed on me like a fake transfer Tattoo, so that I could live with it for a week or so.
And wa la I love love love it!!!!!!!!!! I actually can not wait!
Then we scheduled the day that I return for the Tattoo..and
Tomorrow is the day my Tattoo’s go on for real!!
I am bringing my close friend Diana with me don’t ask if I am nervous because OF COURSE I am !
More tomorrow !